Make your annual fund donation Online today!
Dear Families,
We are three months into another academic year and there is great evidence that our Mercymount community is working diligently to provide an environment that develops strong academic skills and nurtures creative ability, faith and service. Many of you have shared your time, treasure and talent as we continue our curriculum review, security upgrades, building improvements, tuition assistance and community building events. Because of your great minds, helping hands, and generous hearts, we become more cognizant that God’s Spirit is active among us through you. We know that it takes all of us to make Mercymount so incredibly special.
What makes it so special? In addition to the academic preparedness of our students, it is…
The teacher who not only goes to a cross country meet, but runs the end of the race with a student who is struggling to finish.
The 1st grade student who stops playing on the playground to put his arm around and rub the back of a Kindergarten student who is crying.
The parents and teachers who quietly offer support and care to a family who is caring for a loved one with cancer.
The 8th grade student who leaves her friends as they laugh and have fun to console another 8th grader who is feeling out of place.
An entire community who is always ready and willing to contribute food and personal hygiene items to those in need.
The “heart” of our community is as strong as ever. The above reflections of that heart and many more have taken place in these past three months alone. With God’s grace and your continued support, we will continue to strive to be that incredibly special place. Since our tuition dollars do not cover the cost of a Mercymount education and all that goes into making us Mercymount, we depend on our Annual Fund, our auction and fall fundraiser. Your philanthropic support through this annual fund will serve us as we work to keep Mercymount on the cutting edge of elementary education and strive to create that sense of community that sets us apart. Please join us in our continued efforts by sending a gift today using the enclosed envelope.
May God and Our Lady of Mercy bless and keep you always.
Rayleen A. Giannotti, RSM
“While we place all our confidence in God, we must act as if all depended on our exertion.”
Catherine McAuley